Saturday, 19 April 2014

The Voice

The classroom speaker cracked and and a toneless voice said hello. Few of the students casually turned to listen.
“Lets play a game, its gonna be fun. What do you say?”, said the dead voice.
There was a silence followed by chaos of confusion at the uncharacteristic message from the speakers, that usually broadcasts announcements and instructions. A boy from the class proceeded to check out who was at the other end. But he had to stop once he figured out the door to the classroom had been closed, seemingly from outside.
“Where are you trying to go? Are you not playing the game?” demanded the voice.

The realisation of what just happened confused the students. “Since when do we have cameras in here?”, questioned the same boy. The students were scanning the walls for cameras as the voice came to life again.

“Quit searching and start playing. This is round one. Among thirty two of you, only fifteen will still stay in the game. So play hard. All you have to do is write down the names of people you consider your friends in your class. The seventeen of you with the least number of appearence on paper would lose. It would be game over for you. Somebody pass around a sheet of paper. No cheating, I’m watching you. And do not write your own name people”

“This is very stupid”, said one of the girls.

“No its not. Its fun”, the voice said with a kind of creepy humour.

The class was shocked once again at the realisation that the voice at the other end was listening to them too.

“Now start the game”, demanded the voice with overpowering authority.

The class was a bit scared now and someone initiated the game. The paper was passed around and the moment the last person wrote down his list of friends, the voice came to life and said, “Very good, now I have the results, the seventeen of you who are losing out are…”

Before the students could make out what was happening, 17 of them dropped dead. The rest fifteen freaked out and started shouting at the top of their voices. For once the school seemed deserted and banging at the door did not invite anybody’s attention. All of them were crying loud and there was nothing they could do.

“What have you done?”, cried one of the girls

“Stop this game of yours and bring back my friends”
“Friends? I thought you told me they were not your friends. I just wanted to make the game all the more interesting. Now the less popular ones are out, lets go to round two, shall we?”, said the voice.

Everyone was freaked out to even listen. The seven guys and the eight girls still alive were scared to death and shouting at the top of their voice for help. It didn’t help.

“Stop screaming and listen. Or you will also lose. Its always a bad feeling to lose, isn’t it? Even I hate losing. Losing to anyone in anything. It sucks. So lets play the round two”, the voice said.

“Listen now or you will lose”, authority taken, the voice said. The screaming died down a bit as few of the students realised the implications of losing.

“I want to go home to my mommy, please open the door, I don’t want to play the game”, a boy still kept shouting and the next moment, the number of students still alive went down to fourteen.

More screams; followed by sudden silence. Most of the students were crying uncontrollably and at the same time trying hard to control their sound. Once the shouting subdued, the voice started.

“Too bad he kept shouting. Now there’s only fourteen of you and I needed an odd number of you for the second round. What do I do?”, the voice wondered.

“Can you please stop this”, begged one of the girls who was nearly out of voice due to fear.

“Common, it was getting interesting. I am sure you would’ve loved the game from here on. But since you want to stop..”

The girl fell dead.

“So all of you still going strong. You have one minute to pair up with someone else, and the one without the pair would lose the moment six pairs are formed”

There was a huge commotion in the class once they interpreted the message and within five seconds random pairs were formed. A very soft spoken, not-so-pretty girl was left alone and she was trying to push into a pair when she also dropped dead.

“Ha, she was so miserable. Its a good thing she lost, she wouldn’t have gone on in the game for long anyways”, the voice said amid more screams. “And yeah, one more thing, only one of you is gonna win this game eventually. And remember, there are no consolation prizes” .

More screams followed.

A boy gathered enough courage to ask the voice, “What are you, who are you? Are all of these people dead? Who are you and what do you want? Why are you harming us. Please stop this”

“I am the most evil person you guys will ever know. The most cunning person. I am shrewd, I am smart and moreover, I am evil”, the voice burst into a streak of creepy laughter.

“What do you want of us?”, demanded the same boy. He was the class head as was evident from the badge he was wearing.

“I just want us all to have fun. So shall we play next round?”, asked the voice.

“We don’t want to play. Will you stop this and bring back all my classmates?”

“I hate when people talk too much in a game. You should have lost by now, had you not been so highly placed to win this game. I shall let you play for now. But one more word, and thats the game for you”, threatened the voice. The class head got scared and decided not to speak any more.

“So, for the next round I want all of you to go back to your pair, formed in the last round and hold hands”, said the voice. “Good, now I want you to listen carefully. If you utter the name of your pair, he or she loses. But if he or she utters your name before that, you lose. So in the end one from each group loses. Get it? Ok now, go”

No one moved, or said anything. Everyone kept looking at their pair.

“Hello?” the voice spoke again. “Lets up the stakes, if none from a group makes a move, both from the group lose, that too in the next 15 seconds. So here we go. 15.. 14...13..”

The class head made his move, he said the name of his pair and she fell down dead. Two seconds later, two of them from the same group made their moves at almost the same time. One of them dropped dead.


Two more made their moves and their pairs lost. The two girls who formed the last pair were hugging each other and crying out loud. As the voice counted to zero, both of them dropped dead.

“Now don’t freak out, I know you would be too excited that you are almost there. I love you people. You played well. Now for the last round.” the voice continued.

“Can’t you stop at least now”, pleaded the only remaining girl. She was unable to speak anymore as she fell to her knees.

“Not yet. We don’t have a clear winner yet, have we? So play, game’s still on”, said the voice. “For the next round, each one of you will have to get a gun from the cupboard. And I guess you know what I would ask you to do…”

The girl gathered herself to her feet, ran to the cupboard. She took out a gun. Then pointing it at herself, she started screaming and shot herself.

“Wow, that was nasty. I hate people who give up. Winning is all that matters, why don’t people realise that? Pity her. What are you three waiting for, play the game. I sure hope you guys are better than that stupid girl”, said the voice.

The three of them glanced at each other and proceeded steadily and slowly towards the cupboard. The class head reached in for his gun first. He saw there were exactly three guns left in there. He took one of them, he moved back. As the other two were reaching in for theirs, he shot both of them at the back of their heads.

There were moments of silence

“Thats why you deserved to win”, the voice came back to life. “You win the game. I sure hope you had fun playing”

The class head boy was not crying anymore. He stood there looking around at the thirty one bodies around him, three of them bleeding profusely. He dropped his gun and turned to the speaker.

“Who are you?”, asked the boy

“The most evil person you’ll ever know”, said the creepily cheery voice.
“How did you do all this and why?”, the boy demanded.

“Because I hate losing. I wanted to win. And thats all I ever cared about. I hated being second to anyone. This game is how I win.”, the voice said, in a very serious tone.

“Why did you do this to my classmates. What did they ever do to you? And how?”

“There is no ‘how’s, only ‘why’s. I told you, because I hate being a loser in anything”, said the voice, not laughing anymore.
“What are you? Why did you do this with my classmates? I don’t understand.”, the boy said his voice more confident than ever.

“I am the most evil person you will ever know.”, repeated the voice. “You still don’t get it, do you?  Lets meet. The door would be open. Come and meet me at the office room”.

The head boy walked to the door, opened it and stepped out. The school was completely deserted and dead silent. He slowly and steadily walked towards his destination. He reached the room and pushed on the door. It opened. Inside was dimly lit like never seen ever before.

There was someone sitting on a chair facing the wall opposite to the door, with the mic to the speakers in his right hand. Once the boy entered the room, the chair slowly turned towards him. The expression of curiosity and fear on the face of the head boy slowly turned to one of disbelief.
A few moments later it slowly turned to one of understanding and fearlessness.

In the room, the boy met himself.

- Srihari Radhakrishnan

Running away is not an option, dear

The title might make you scratch your head and look deep into your memories of some 80’s film dialogues. Did you hear it somewhere, some when? Is it one of them? Yeah! Maybe it is. But I am damn sure that you never got the essence of it. Very few do. Let’s see what’s in it for you…

I came across this random fact some day and built up a quote for it – “God has given you a certain small tilt in your walk, so if you ever try to run away in a desert you will most probably end up in the same place”. These lines mean more than just a guide in a desert and great people – be it Martin Luther King or Swami Paramhansa Yogananda, always use a metaphor or an analogy to explain things. It is the same with this quote. So let’s look at life as a desert – certainly a long journey to learn from. If you ever try to run away from a situation – yeah, God has given you a tilt in your walk… The faster you try to run away from it, the faster would you complete the circle and look at what you just ran away from!
This is the solution for most of the problems we face in life…The first reflex we have to problems is - we try to run away from it and later do we actually gather courage to stand up to it and face it and finally come to a conclusion that we, as a person are bigger than all the problems summed up together.

So let’s adopt this ideology and develop the courage to face each and every situation life presents to us! And yeah I called it “Presents” to us …because all that life gives you, love and loss, are all “Gifts”

-Hardik Katyarmal

One Experience

I was celebrating my b’day when i met you first time,
Honestly speaking i had no intention to make you mine.
Yeah But i felt something strange with you,
so i began writing ‘My love is new’.
I didn’t know how my words began to rhyme.
they transformed themselves in poetry after some time.
I was confused about what is this thing crawling inside me?
is this the snake of lust or the beautiful love tree?
So i decided to think about it very deeply with all my brain on it,
But my brain replaced these thought with that beautiful picture of you.
My heart followed the order and made a special place for it,
I realized that this is not an ordinary feeling this is something new.
I didn’t know what am i experience next,
I didn’t knew that is it gonna change my life for the worst or the best?
- Dhruv Joshi

An attempted tribute to graduating seniors

वो जाते जाते वादियों को चूमता जा रहा था |
वो सारी फिजूल सांसें जो उसने कल तक खर्च किये थे ;
आज रात उसका हिसाब हो जायेगा ||
कुछ बुनियादी -बेबुनियादी रिश्ते 
जो लोगों ने उसके दीवार पर टांग दिए थे 
अब उनका क्या होगा ? वो शायद ना रहे |
एक नया दौड़ आएगा , नए पेंट चढ़ जाएंगे ||

शेल्फ के एक कोने में 
जो सारे कैश मेमो पड़े  थे ;
सीसीडी, park , flavours , शिवानी 
हर पल एक नयी कहानी |
अब इनका क्या होगा ? ये शायद अब ना रहे ||

packed  बैग के साथ 
यादों  के भी तो कुछ कच्चे चिठ्ठे जाएंगे ,
कुछ अल्फ़ाज़ जो कभी भुलाये ,भूले ना जा सके; 
कुछ "रिग्रेट्स" जो मिटाये मिट ना सके ;
कुछ मुहब्बत , जो कभी मुहब्बत बन ना सके ;
ये सारे साथ जाएंगे |
और जब कभी यही बसंत लौटेगा; 
जवाँ पे पुराना जायका लौटेगा ;
यादों का एक हूक दिल के दरवाजे को दस्तक देगा 
 किसी मोड़  पे फिर मिलेंगे ...........................................................

-Anupam Kumar
Third year undergraduate

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Why am I the One to Die?

I went to a party Mom,
I remembered what you said.
U told me not to drink,
Mom, So I drank soda instead.

I really felt proud inside, Mom,
The way you said I would.
I didn't drink and drive, Mom,
Even though the others said I should.

I know I did the right thing, Mom,
I know you are always right.
Now the party is finally ending, Mom,
As everyone is driving out of sight.

As I got into my car, Mom,
I knew I'd get home in one piece.
Because of the way you raised me,
So responsible and sweet.

I started to drive away, Mom,
But as I pulled out into the road,
The other car didn't see me, Mom,
And hit me like a load.:(

As I lay there on the pavement, Mom,
I hear the policeman say,
"The other guy is drunk," Mom,
And now I'm the one who will pay.

I'm lying here dying, Mom....
I wish you'd get here soon.
How could this happen to me, Mom?
My life just burst like a balloon.

There is blood all around me, Mom,
And most of it is mine.
I hear the medic say, Mom,
I'll die in a short time.

I just wanted to tell you, Mom,
I swear I didn't drink.
It was the others, Mom.
The others didn't think.

He was probably at the same party as I.
The only difference is, he drank
And I will die.
Why do people drink, Mom?

It can ruin your whole life.
I'm feeling sharp pains now.
Pains just like a knife.
The guy who hit me is walking, Mom,

And I don't think it's fair.
I'm lying here dying
And all he can do is stare.

Tell my brother not to cry, Mom.
Tell Daddy to be brave.
And when I go to heaven, Mom,
Put "GOOD BOY " on my grave.

Someone should have told him, Mom,
Not to drink and drive. :'(
If only they had told him, Mom,
I would still be alive.
My breath is getting shorter, Mom.

I'm becoming very scared.
Please don't cry for me, Mom.
When I needed you, you were always there.

I have one last question, Mom.
Before I say good bye.
I didn't drink and drive,
So why am I the one to die?

-Kartik Pal
2nd Year Undergraduate Student
Department of Geology and Geophysics

As a child

A dark side of mine and many others childhood.

Is parents beating their children abuse?
What is abuse?
Abuse is when they lose control.
Get extremely angry.
Show it on their helpless kid.
I am a little ashamed to admit it but,
I still shiver at the feeling i get when i remember my dad taking out his belt to beat me and  my mother stopping him.
I try to push those memories away.Bury them somewhere inside ,lost.
Because all is well now.I don't get beaten.Not obviously.I'm 19.
Because i know they love me.
But i still have a doubt.
Abuse is also when they claim they love you still lose control.
Was my perception changed unknowingly? Do i know now? I do not know.
So was i abused as a child? Was i?

कश्ती के किनारे से

कश्ती के किनारे से,
असीमित सागर की ओर,
या अंतहीन अंबर की ओर,
देखने की कोशिश करता हूँ,
कुछ ढूँढने की कोशिश करता हूँ,
सब कुछ नज़र आता हैं,
बस वो ही नहीं हैं|
उसका वो आख़िरी ख़त ज़रूर है,
और जो नज़्म लिखी थी उसके लिए,
वो आख़िरी फोन कॉल,
उसकी दबी दबी सी आवाज़,
ख्वाहिश है फिर वो आवाज़ सुनने की,
एक आख़िरी बार,
गिले-शिकवे भूलकर,
फिर से दोस्त बन जाने की |
कश्ती के किनारे से,
असीमित सागर की ओर,
अब भी कुछ ढूँढ रहा हूँ|

-Lokesh Deshmukh

I'm proud of my nation

Look at my nation, so proud it stands
And the fate of its future lies in such great hands.
Having the power of billions in Swizz Bank
And anyone earning 37 rupees is no less than a rich man.
Since that midnight strike of freedom, we have moved ahead;
No poverty creeps upon us, every stomach gets its bread.
No man or woman witnesses hell on this earth,
No discrimination begins right at the birth.
Where the toilets count falls behind that of mobiles in hands;
That's the progress we made which makes our nation grand.
The best kept promises are the ones our leader make,
Corruption is zero, our economy is great.
Such great is my nation, I bow to it with pride;
And there is no anger hidden in me inside.

-Devavrat Walinjkar
  Sophomore Undergraduate Student,
  Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering


Treading lightly across the silken floor,
The lass came knocking upon his broken door.
Drenched in the stormy winter’s hail,
She trembled; her visage dim and pale.

Her angst she poured out on to his humble ears,
Like pearls of dew, her cheek held a few solitary tears.
His fatigued face gazed at her sublime portrait,
As she narrated the serendipity of her sad fate.

She was a princess of a land quite asunder,
She had but committed a childish blunder.
Banished from the kingdom of her vile ancestry,
He now heard her tale and yet admired her facial tapestry.

For a pauper such as he with just a ramshackle roof and bread,
He had manners gentler than even the most well-bred.
And thus he invited her to take refuge in his humble home,
Little knowing that he had begun a tale of love’s epitome.

As she strode into the dim light of his tiny hall,
He saw her face with clarity, and was taken once and for all.
Serene even in dire times, and glowing like the abyss struck by light,
He could not draw his eyes away as his heart fell into eternal plight.

He gave her his share of bread and ancient ale,
All this while tethering the might of his inner gale.
His eyes were drawn to her in a manner uncontrolled,
Tender and demure, she beamed with a beauty unforetold.

As he lay that night, starved, parched and melancholy,
His eyes caught her tresses stained in the moonlight holy.
Her fingers he described as objects of angelic splendour,
The tempest had begun, and all he could summon was a meek surrender.

All his food, all his water – all was for this maiden of yonder,
How he got victualed, was a matter now of minimal ponder.
For he had love now, and all his indigence was cast away,
His heart knew nought, except that it would in this rosy breeze, sway.

Each day she told him a tale of her solitary life,
A princess of not just lineage, but also of charm amidst strife.
They grew fonder as the weeks and months flew,
And she wondered if he was a pauper or a prince gone askew.

In her presence, his face had regained its old glory,
Brazen may be his face, but his heart no longer gory.
She cared not that he was poorer than her steed,
She gazed at him, and knew from within of love’s growing greed.

One fine eve, on the outlook for a night’s meal,
They both learnt that Cupid had struck this uncanny deal,
There was no food that night, no water to share,
Only a kiss that would even the Lords of passion; ensnare.

She had been neglected as a child by every semblance of joy,
He had been at the brunt of the cruelties of many a rich boy.
She had been outcast from royalty into sudden calamity,
And thus in this pauper’s arms she had found her divinity.

Only the lord above could have had the ingenuity,
For such a match that the world would call incredulity.
Two rejected souls finding each other in the midst of a storm,
Thus would begin the tale of these two who broke every norm.

As love enveloped them, they grew stronger as one,
‘Let the world berate us, but Cupid’s darts ain’t undone’,
Said he, as he drew her into a protective embrace,
‘Let the world berate us, but our love shall hold its place’.

As they lay to rest on that moonless night,
Their hands lay entwined much akin to their sight.
Consumed by their love, their souls united in a heavenly ire,
To the world’s hypocrisy they lit a raging pyre.

Their bliss grew abound like a fledgling taking flight,
Their love now seemed like a panegyric with noble might.
Humanity with all its wealth and pride still seemed deeply fazed,
While the pauper and his princess left their haters dazed.

A year had passed, and then a couple,
And this tale of love stayed free of trouble.
Until on a fine sunny noon, he heard the cavalry,
And went out his abode shouting ‘What is this devilry?’

A man decked up in royal attire of silk and gold,
Alighted from his steed and gave him a gaze cold.
‘I come from the land quite asunder to yours’,
‘And I speak on behalf of the Lords of the Morse’.

‘We hearken upon our road that you have our princess benign’,
‘She has been with you pauper and you have brought us malign’.
‘Banished was she by her father, the Lord’,
‘For she had once fled beyond the forbidden ford’.

‘He has had a change of heart and he wants his jewel back’,
‘And that is why we have come upon this arduous track’.
‘He has also heard of the pauper who took his daughter in’,
‘And has decreed you to be punished for this nihilistic sin’.

Seized he was by the guards and brought to his knees,
Had he been given love, only for it to now thus cease?
They dragged his princess out and dragged her out of his ken,
And began to take him for caging in a dingy den.

He craved one last sight and perhaps one last touch,
For despite all his poverty, despite not having much.
He had opened his heart to her in a manner unforetold,
And she had done the same to give him more than gold.

All his life he had been calm, he had been patient,
But now his savagery would be potent.
For he kicked the steed and its carrier with blunt brute,
And escaped into a treacherous jungle, and left everyone mute.

They pursued him not, for few survived that forest,
Even the souls of the dead there, would dwell in eternal unrest.
With this thought, they carried on, as the princess stayed her gaze forlorn,
Was this then her fate – to be hated and lovelorn?

Months then passed and they heard not of each other,
The princess dried her eyes and tried to her tears, smother.
She knew not if he lived, she asked and prayed with a glance upward,
And wondered how her life had become so ugly and untoward.

Courage she sought every night and every day,
She looked for every sign to cull her deep dismay.
She saw then a brazen mark of love left afore,
And then knew that she had to find him on whichever distant shore.

A wild, untamed indigent he now seemed to be,
He lurked in quarters of the woods that none could ever see.
He hardly fed or drank, and sat merely in a solitary clearing,
Staring into the water struck by light and recalling her face endearing.

A man of empty eyes he seemed,
Hurt and sadness within him teemed.
But there was still love, there was still faith,
He would have her, sparring even the ghastliest wraith.
One noon, when he was stricken with wild hunger and thirst,
Through the foliage, suddenly a glowing bird burst.
His eyes lit up and he chased her down,
Only to see that it was a dove with the symbol of the crown.

He let her go, but not before he saw the note at her feet,
He opened it gently, trembling like a boy with a treat.
He knew that hand, he knew that parchment’s scent,
And then what he read, took his bliss to a heavenly ascent.

‘I met a pauper on a stormy winter night of hail,
I was but a lass, trembling and pale.
He took me in, he gave me shelter,
I dwelt with him there until my heart went helter-skelter.’

‘He was not rich, he had no royalty,
But there was something about him that sang of divinity.
Love was then abaft upon my vessel of pain,
Never before had I felt more whole and sane.’

‘Separated I was then, from his loving embrace,
They called my love abomination, labelled me a disgrace.
I cared not for the world and its consternation,
For I knew that in him lay my destination.’

‘To this very pauper I now beseech my request,
I have sought you and found you for you are my only quest.
On this moonless night, behind the nearest cabin, where love made its first caress,’

I shall wait for you, for I can only be this pauper’s princess.’

-Tushar Warrier
 M.Tech Student - Biotechnology & Biochemical Engg.