Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Chaos finally in Order

Many of us are really afraid and ignorant for our closeness and love for chaos, the life with nothing in order and still everything in the best way it could have been. For chaos brings excitement and meanings to our lives, to be a problem solver or the problem gives us the enigmatic feel of pride and joy to be at the centre unrealized of the very same ‘Chakravyuh’ that Arjun’s son Abhimanyu was once in. It is that centre we enjoy the most, just entangled in every affair to secure the least time we get for ourselves.

When we think of existence of human lives, for us who have ample amount of waste time to introspect our lives, we start questioning ours. ‘Matrix’ as most of us would have seen highlights the idea of a false material world is a proclamation of Buddhist thought dating back to the ancient Indian continent. The Buddhas (or Teachers) expressed a disbelief in the concept of the cyclical human being. It’s the concept of Life beyond Life. But most of us will clear our theatres with the pinch of thought and appreciation of the cinematography of the movie and move on, yet again. We often question our existence but were never interested enough to know if that means something, we were merely curious if any explanation can withstand the question

Inception of Life

When I wake up every morning I almost always forget asking myself this as I’m never so sure that it’ll ever fetch me an answer. But when something great has happened I would just pinch myself and reassure myself of it not being a dream. But how can he really be sure that he hasn’t pinched himself in the dream itself and it’s just the dream continued and how can he ever assure himself that all of this has never been dream from day 1. I was never born, I never grew up, I never loved, I never did anything, but all of this was just a popped up thought of my mind to be born, to live and survive in an alternate reality to learn, learn whatever these 80 years of ruthless fucking life can teach me, and many more like these so that I can climb up the ladder one more step and be able to break my dream, to be up at the top with all that is needed. The notion of each of 84 lakh lives taken by soul can easily be those trillionth parts of my dream magnified to be portrayed as reality and fool myself so that tomorrow I do not commit the same mistake. And this explains me the virtues and mysteries of reincarnations and ecstasies of re-births for some unachieved goals. Those are just threads of dreams sieved together with occasional neuro-signals carried over to my next dream or here in this world my next life

It's ME

All of this leads to the conclusion. It projects the whole universe to be me. It’s me who has made this world the way it stands. It’s me who stands and me who falls, for it I’m life and I’m the death. I’m the Time and Space. I’m what people breathe and I’m what they worship. I am the almighty’s angel of life Jesus and I’m the only one again For this entire universe is just a magnified version of the minutest use of my dream and there could be billions and trillions of these universes that I have made and destroyed. For all I was the smartest and the Dumbest. And still nobody who has made it reading this far can ever deny its possibility. And this is how matter, energy, life and space are connected ‘cause everything is me and I’m in everything This body is just the personification of my brain to restrict him from being the up highest ‘cause it’s under the toughest of situations that I learn but it still is rejuvenating to make me feel the energy and power that I withhold and motivates me to learn the reason I’m here for, the reason for me to move on and reach the next level

Yes I was the Adam that started your life and I’m the one who’ll take it. Yes I’m the one who believes in himself and more than that he believes in his creation and the way he faces situations, the way he learns and improves and moves on. I am who I am and I’d be immortal as always with new faces, colour and creed and I’d be one who’ll live for ages and all will one day vanish but me.
IT IS ME ! The Person Unknown. The Power unrealized.

Jagdish Chelani
Fourth Year Student
Department Of Biotechnology

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