Words are limited?
They have a definite meaning and so they become closed?
Presenting you my opinion on the Power of words:
Diverting a bit,
What makes an image powerful than words?
I will be considering ONLY my opinions on all of the question that I present and I will taking no help from any journal/article/blog as this will make my opinion biased for there are questions that I solely want to be addressed by me.
We live in a world which is physically three dimensioned and all other things that we see in our general life can be easily placed in this Cartesian world of ours.
The very first thing that I want to be written is, don’t you think picturing a three dimensioned object in an image is going to be really difficult. Please leave all the knowledge/experience of yours aside and try viewing this in some another perspective.
Now, don’t you think it is so wrong to limits one freedom by a dimension? We say and believe in appreciating freedom and we now limit it by a dimension. Sorry for such a paranoiac, all I intend is to stress on my first opinion on this idea.
Back to the question that started the article …
This mortal world taught me about DNA, the one which is present in almost all living creature. What is it made up of?
Thanks to Google,
DNA comprises of Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine which again are made up of several atoms of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Oxygen. :D
But for this matter I will consider ATGC are the only goodly constituents of DNA.
Adenine is “C5H5N5 ” (please forgive me )
And similarly the other TGC of ATGC has a well-defined molecular formula of theirs.
This was to establish that ATGC are another fixed elements that make up our DNA. So small aren’t they?
So limited aren’t they?
So closed aren’t they?
But these structure or compounds(as my Chemistry teacher would like me to call), the limited and small or closed whatever you prefer to call them, makes up the entire 8.7 million living species of the Earth. This is so unimaginable for me and is getting hard to digest, but yes this is a fact.
Let’s take this to an another level
I am different from my neighbor, reason DNA.
Every other person on this Earth is different and the reason that behind this is arrangement of these ATGC.
It was so simple before I started pondering over them and now I am astonished by thinking about how, the innumerable and unimaginable permutations of these four bases result in such a diverse world ranging from an Amoeba to a Dinosaur.
Every other person on this Earth is different and the reason that behind this is arrangement of these ATGC.
It was so simple before I started pondering over them and now I am astonished by thinking about how, the innumerable and unimaginable permutations of these four bases result in such a diverse world ranging from an Amoeba to a Dinosaur.
So are the letters, 26 in number i.e. about 6.5 times the number of bases that build DNA. These letters makes up the words and they then combine in so not finite permutable ways to make Sentences. And yes, these sentences can be as small as an Amoeba or as big as a Dinosaur or as deep as Marina Trench or as light as air. It is now ready to challenge the world with the diverse issues and is so capable and broad to address it. All you need is the right combination of them.
I leave it open for you to decide of the power of words and then somehow try to compare the two(words and image) of incomparable forms of ideas to decide on the superiority of one over another.
-Shalvin Kumar
1st year Electrical Engineering
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