Saturday, 19 April 2014

Running away is not an option, dear

The title might make you scratch your head and look deep into your memories of some 80’s film dialogues. Did you hear it somewhere, some when? Is it one of them? Yeah! Maybe it is. But I am damn sure that you never got the essence of it. Very few do. Let’s see what’s in it for you…

I came across this random fact some day and built up a quote for it – “God has given you a certain small tilt in your walk, so if you ever try to run away in a desert you will most probably end up in the same place”. These lines mean more than just a guide in a desert and great people – be it Martin Luther King or Swami Paramhansa Yogananda, always use a metaphor or an analogy to explain things. It is the same with this quote. So let’s look at life as a desert – certainly a long journey to learn from. If you ever try to run away from a situation – yeah, God has given you a tilt in your walk… The faster you try to run away from it, the faster would you complete the circle and look at what you just ran away from!
This is the solution for most of the problems we face in life…The first reflex we have to problems is - we try to run away from it and later do we actually gather courage to stand up to it and face it and finally come to a conclusion that we, as a person are bigger than all the problems summed up together.

So let’s adopt this ideology and develop the courage to face each and every situation life presents to us! And yeah I called it “Presents” to us …because all that life gives you, love and loss, are all “Gifts”

-Hardik Katyarmal

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